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Top Programming & Development Courses

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These are the top 118 Programming & Development courses and nanodegrees found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udacity course.

Introduction to Python Programming Course
In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of the Python programming language, along with programming best practices.

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591 mentions
Developing Android Apps Course
Build a cloud-connected Android app, and learn the tools, principles, and best practices of mobile and Android development that you'll apply to your own projects.

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209 mentions
Android Basics: User Interface Course
Learn how to design your first layout in Android.

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143 mentions
Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter Course
Learn from experts at Google how to use Flutter to craft high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android devices in record time.

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29 mentions
Java Programming Basics Course
Take your first steps towards becoming a Java developer.

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225 mentions
Version Control with Git Course
Learn how to use Git, a popular Version Control System and essential tool for any developer.

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163 mentions
Design of Computer Programs Course
Learn how to model problems, and how to optimize performance by using some of the advanced features of Python.

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88 mentions
Interactive 3D Graphics Course
This course will teach you the principles of 3D computer graphics: meshes, transforms, lighting, animation, and making interactive 3D applications run in a browser.

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76 mentions
Android Basics Nanodegree
No programming experience? No Problem.

3 reddit posts
49 mentions
Material Design for Android Developers Course
Learn and apply the material design principles that define Android's visual language to your apps.

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43 mentions
Intro to Statistics Course
Get ready to analyze, visualize, and interpret data.

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56 mentions
HTML5 Canvas Course
Learn how you can use HTML5 Canvas to create and modify images or even interactive animations.

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71 mentions
Intro to Algorithms Course
This class will give you an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms, enabling you to analyze networks and discover how individuals are connected.

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53 mentions
Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers Course
Learn the fundamentals of the Kotlin programming language from Kotlin experts at Google.

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38 mentions
Intro to JavaScript Course
Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, the most popular programming language in web development.

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Web Accessibility Course
Get hands-on experience making web applications accessible.

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Programming Languages Course
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of programming languages.

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Responsive Web Design Fundamentals Course
Learn and practice strategies for developing websites that look great on every device.

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36 mentions
Applied Cryptography Course
Cryptography is present in everyday life, from paying with a credit card to using the telephone.

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Introduction to Operating Systems Course
Introduction to Operating Systems teaches the basic operating system abstractions, mechanisms, and their implementations.

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33 mentions
Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree
Learn to design and develop powerful modern web applications that form the foundation for the apps, websites, and systems that people and businesses use every day.

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56 mentions
Intro to Relational Databases Course
Relational databases are a powerful tool used throughout the industry.

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30 mentions
Introduction to Programming Nanodegree
Udacity's Intro to Programming is your first step towards careers in Web and App Development, Machine Learning, Data Science, AI, and more.

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30 mentions
Software Testing Course
Learn how to catch bugs and break software as you discover different testing methods that will help you build better software.

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28 mentions
Intro to HTML and CSS Course
In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals web development, along with best practices and professional problem-solving techniques using Developer Tools.

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49 mentions
Browser Rendering Optimization Course
This course will demystify the browser's rendering pipeline and make it easy for you to build high performance web apps.

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17 mentions
Full Stack Foundations Course
Learn the fundamentals of back-end web development by creating your own web application from the ground up using the iterative development process.

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20 mentions
Intro to Physics Course
Go to the places where big physics discoveries were made in the past and make them yourself.

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JavaScript Design Patterns Course
Learn the importance of code organization and how to implement it with either vanilla JavaScript or an organizational library or framework.

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27 mentions
Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes Course
This course is designed to teach you about managing microservices, using Kubernetes.

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15 mentions
Intro to iOS App Development with Swift Course
Take the first step in becoming an iOS Developer by learning about Swift and writing your first app.

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21 mentions
2D Game Development with libGDX Course
This course explores how to use LibGDX to build 2D games that run anywhere, from web browsers to mobile devices.

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19 mentions
iOS Developer Nanodegree
Master the Swift programming language, and create a portfolio of iOS apps for iPhone and iPad to showcase your skills.

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18 mentions
Computability, Complexity & Algorithms Course
Learn tools and techniques that will help you recognize when problems you encounter are intractable and when there an efficient solution.

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18 mentions
Gradle for Android and Java Course
Build bigger and better Android and Java apps using the Gradle build tool.

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12 mentions
Linux Command Line Basics Course
An introduction to the Linux command line interface.

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16 mentions
How to Make a Platformer Using libGDX Course
This course will explore how to create a game called Giga Gal.

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Statistics Course
We live in a time of unprecedented access to information.

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Software Debugging Course
In this course you will learn how to debug programs systematically using scientific methods and build several automated debugging tools in Python.

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Android Basics: Data Storage Course
In this course, you'll learn the basics of data storage in Android, building your first database and an app that could be used for any small business.

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Software Development Process Course
Software Development Processes explores requirements engineering, architecture and design, testing, and software quality in general.

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13 mentions
UX Design for Mobile Developers Course
This is a design course made for developers.

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Android Performance Course
Performance matters to users, so it must matter to you.

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Firebase in a Weekend: Android Course
This course will teach you when and why to choose Firebase as a backend for your Android application.

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17 mentions
Android Basics: Networking Course
This class teaches the basics of networking using Android, and is a part of the Android Basics Nanodegree by Google.

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9 mentions
Website Performance Optimization Course
Learn how browsers convert HTML, CSS and JavaScript into websites while you experiment with Chrome Developer Tools to measure and optimize website speed.

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12 mentions
High Performance Computer Architecture Course
The HPCA course covers performance measurement, pipelining, and improved parallelism through various means.

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14 mentions
GT - Refresher - Advanced OS Course
This course covers the essential Operating Systems concepts students need in preparation for the rest of the GT "Advanced Operating Systems" sequence.

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10 mentions
Advanced Android with Kotlin Course
Develop Feature-Rich Android Apps with the Kotlin Programming Language.

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Responsive Images Course
Go beyond image tags.

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Computer Networking Course
This is an advanced Computer Networking course that delves into the latest concepts and tools used by the CN industry.

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7 mentions
Android Basics: User Input Course
Learn how to make your apps interactive using buttons and text.

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Intro to AJAX Course
Learn how to perform asynchronous requests as you build a web app with data from Google Street View, the New York Times and Wikipedia.

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Authentication & Authorization: OAuth Course
Learn to implement the OAuth 2.

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Kotlin for Android Developers Course
Take an Android app in Java and convert it to Kotlin, learning key features of the Kotlin programming language along the way.

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9 mentions
Intro to Psychology Course
Go on a journey through psychological concepts and principles to enable you to gain a more in-depth understanding of human thought and behavior.

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Intro to Theoretical Computer Science Course
Learn the basic concepts in theoretical computer science.

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Object-Oriented JavaScript Course

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39 mentions
Advanced Operating Systems Course

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Offline Web Applications Course
Learn how to develop offline-first web application using Service Workers and IndexedDB.

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4 mentions
JavaScript Promises Course
Learn how to simplify asynchronous work with Native JavaScript Promises.

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Software Architecture & Design Course
Software Architecture and Design teaches the principles and concepts involved in the analysis and design of large software systems.

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Intro to Backend Course
Learn to build a multiuser blog with Google App Engine that permits users to sign in.

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Introduction to Graduate Algorithms Course
Learn advanced techniques for designing algorithms and apply them to hard computational problems.

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Designing RESTful APIs Course
Build and secure a web server with a RESTful Developer-Friendly API that developers will love to use.

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Intro to Information Security Course

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Intro to jQuery Course
Learn how to access and modify the DOM with ease using jQuery.

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C++ For Programmers Course
This course teaches C++ to students already familiar with a programming language.

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8 mentions
Learn Swift Programming Syntax Course
This course focuses on the syntax of the Swift programming language.

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Android Basics: Multiscreen Apps Course
Learn to build multiple screens and link them together, expanding the range of apps you can create.

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13 mentions
Intro to Point & Click App Development Course
In this short class you'll build powerful apps without writing code.

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4 mentions
Swift for Beginners Course
Learn Swift, Apple's programming language for building iOS applications.

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JavaScript Testing Course
Learn how to iterate on your web applications with confidence using the red-green-refactor workflow cycle and automated testing frameworks.

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Data Wrangling with MongoDB Course
Data Scientists spend most of their time cleaning data.

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Intro to DevOps Course
Learn all about the DevOps landscape, workflow, and a survey of the systems currently being used to support scalable software deployment.

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3 mentions
Intro to Progressive Web Apps Course
In this course you’ll get started working on your very first Progressive Web App (PWA) - a web app that can take advantage of many features native applications have enjoyed.

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iOS Networking with Swift Course
Learn how to incorporate networking into your apps to access data from around the world.

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Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Course
Learn how to prevent background operations from interfering with an app's UI by implementing Apple's GCD framework.

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Compilers: Theory and Practice Course
This course teaches the theory and practice behind building compilers for higher level programming languages.

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5 mentions
Google Maps APIs Course
This course will introduce you to the content available through the Google Maps APIs through building a real-estate listings web application step-by-step.

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Localization Essentials Course
Localization is about making a product feel tailored to users around the world.

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Objective-C for Swift Developers Course
Learn the distinguishing language features of Objective-C.

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High Performance Computing Course
This course will give you solid foundations for developing, analyzing, and implementing parallel and locality-efficient algorithms.

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Engagement & Monetization | Mobile Games Course
You will learn the most effective monetization strategies for your game, how to keep your players interested and engaged, so that your game stands out in the app store.

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Dynamic Web Applications with Sinatra Course
Sinatra is a micro-framework for quickly developing small Ruby applications for the web.

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6 mentions
Server-Side Swift Course
In this course, built in collaboration with IBM and Hashicorp, you'll learn how to use Swift as a server-side language for building end-to-end applications.

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Client-Server Communication Course
Learn how a client communicates with a server, including HTTP's request and response cycle, HTTP/2 and HTTPs.

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Swift for Developers Course
Get a quick practical introduction to Swift programming basics and build your first iOS app.

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Front End Frameworks Course
Explore and build interactive, single-page applications with popular JavaScript frameworks.

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Configuring Linux Web Servers Course

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HTTP & Web Servers Course
HTTP is the fundamental protocol of the Web.

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iOS Persistence and Core Data Course
Persisting data is a core skill for any iOS developer.

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Introduction to Virtual Reality Course
If you are interested in learning more about virtual reality, this course will teach you the principles of VR technology and help you understand what you can build in VR.

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Firebase in a Weekend: iOS Course
This course will teach you when and why to choose Firebase as a backend for your iOS application.

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1 mentions
Object Oriented Programming in Java Course
Learn how to apply powerful object-oriented programming concepts in Java.

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5 mentions
How to Make an iOS App Course
Learn the process of building an app, taking your ideas from drawing board to App Store.

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JavaScript and the DOM Course

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Networking for Web Developers Course
You've used the Internet.

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Firebase Analytics: Android Course
Learn how to grow an app's user base using Firebase Analytics, a free and unlimited analytics solution.

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Blockchain Developer Nanodegree
Demand for blockchain developers is skyrocketing.

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Core ML: Machine Learning for iOS Course
Learn how to use Apple's Core ML framework to build iOS apps with intelligent new features.

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Web Tooling & Automation Course
In this course, you’ll learn how to setup your development environment and save a lot of time and effort with automatic optimization.

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ES6 - JavaScript Improved Course
Learn about the changes made to the JavaScript programming language in ECMAScript 6 and how to use these new improvements to write better cleaner code.

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React Nanodegree
React is completely transforming Front-End Development.

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Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree
Get hands-on practice with over 100 data structures and algorithm exercises and technical mentor support when needed to help prepare you for interviews and on-the-job scenarios.

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Writing READMEs Course
Documentation is an important part of the development process.

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Human-Computer Interaction Course
This course is an introductory course on human-computer interaction, covering the principles, techniques, and open areas of development in HCI.

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Introduction to Cybersecurity Nanodegree
Get your start in the high growth field of Cybersecurity by building foundational skills in how to evaluate, maintain, and monitor the security of computer systems.

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UIKit Fundamentals Course
Learn the iOS UIKit framework, which is the cornerstone of creating user interfaces in all iOS apps and crucial for any iOS Developer to be intimately familiar with.

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Shell Workshop Course

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How to Install Android Studio Course
Participate in this short tutorial to install Android Studio on your computer and set up a new project using the program's Project Wizard.

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Java Developer Nanodegree
Learn back-end development with the Java programming language.

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The MVC Pattern in Ruby Course
In this course you’ll learn how to organize your code, and why that’s important.

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Front End Web Developer Nanodegree
Learn how to build high quality websites and dynamic applications to create stunning user experiences for the web.

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65 mentions
Advanced Android App Development Course
Make your app production-ready by applying advanced features like library integration, material design, widgets, receiving cloud messages, and more.

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27 mentions
Developing Android Apps with Kotlin Course
Learn the fundamentals of the Kotlin programming language from Kotlin experts at Google.

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96 mentions
Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree
Master Android app development with Kotlin, a modern programming language that enables developers to be more productive.

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1 mentions
Data Visualization in Tableau Course
Learn the fundamentals of data visualization and practice communicating with data.

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