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Below are the top discussions from Reddit that mention this online Udacity nanodegree.

React is completely transforming Front-End Development.

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Reddit Posts and Comments

2 posts • 8 mentions • top 8 shown below

r/reactjs • post
6 points • UnReaL816
Udacity React Nanodegree
r/webdev • post
3 points • DevMaterial
40% Off of Udacity's React Nanodegree - 4 Days Left
r/learnjavascript • post
9 points • mayaswelltrythis
I am learning React and I want to sign up for a paid course. Best options?

I am learning React (I have fairly decent JS fundamentals, but not great) and I want to sign up for a paid course. I was thinking either Wes Bos' course:

Udacity's React nanodegree:

Or Code Academy's


r/reactjs • comment
1 points • sven37

Udacity's React Nanodegree -

r/reactjs • comment
2 points • opaz

The Complete React Web Developer Course (2nd Edition) by Andrew Mead is the most comprehensive course I've found on React + Redux. He even goes through testing, and integrating with a backend service called Firebase.

If you want a something more along the lines of a cert, then Udacity has a React Nanodegree taught by the creators of React Router (one of the most popular React libraries out there), who also go around and conduct professional React training classes around the world.

r/django • comment
1 points • PM-ME-Your-Passwords

I bought this course on Udemy:

which was a nice introduction but later followed it up with this course from Udacity:

It is expensive but it is actually an online class. Your assigned projects that are graded by an actual person. Additionally your given a mentor to ask questions to 24/7 and office hours with the instructors via slack. I personally thought it was well worth the money.

r/learnprogramming • comment
0 points • my_password_is______

Harvard Extension School had this online course in the spring --- maybe they'll have it again in the fall or next spring

CSCI E-39B Mobile Application Development with React Native

Mobile Application Development with React Native

Spring term 2018 CRN 25185

This course transitions from web development to mobile application development with React Native, a popular framework from Facebook that enables cross-platform native applications using JavaScript without Java or Swift. The course introduces students to modern JavaScript, including ES6 and ES7, as well as to JSX, a JavaScript extension. Through hands-on projects, students gain experience with React and its paradigms, application architecture, and user interfaces. The course culminates in a final project for which students implement an application entirely of their own design.

Noncredit: $2,700

Undergraduate credit: $2,700

Graduate credit: $2,700

Course Credit: 4 credits

I also did a search for "API" and found these[0]=field_course_format%3AOn%20campus%20with%20online%20option&f[1]=field_course_format%3AOnline%20(live)%20web%20conference&f[2]=field_course_format%3AOnline%20only

I know "API" is a broad term LOL, but I thought it might be interesting

and udacity has a React nanodegree for $500

go there and scroll down for the curriculum

I think its starts every month or every couple of months so if you miss it now you can do it later

they also have other nanodegrees

r/learnprogramming • post
2 points • Africa4days
How I got a Facebook Internship As a Self Taught Developer (Attending COMMUNITY COLLEGE)

I have been using this subreddit as a lurker for a while now, and I have been an entirely self taught programmer for the last 2 years. I currently attend a community college, but all the classes I have taken covered the basics of computer science and programming, which I covered already in my own learning journey. I just landed an internship at Facebook for the upcoming 2019 summer as a Front-End Software Engineer, and I wanted to outline the steps I took from 0 to where I am at now, and how I got to this point, and kind of give back to this community for helping me get to where I am now. I made a video about exactly this post, but didn't want to just drop the link with nothing to back it up.

Link to the video:

Check it out if you're interested. If not, here is the video broken down and how I got the internship as a self taught developer attending a community college:

2 years ago I started to learn programming, and I didn't know where to start. I felt like a chicken with my head cut off jumping from website to website trying to find someone to tell me the exact path to take, as must of us do when starting something new. I finally found some good advice on where to start, and it was actually on this subreddit.

Step 1. I started with a Udemy class called "The Web Developer Bootcamp" by someone named Colt Steele. I highly recommend this class for people interested in starting and learning web development. Colt Steele really goes through in depth front-end and back-end topics, covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This was the first class I had ever taken, and it took my knowledge from 0 to a level where I could actually make my own projects without having to follow a ton of tutorials to do so.

Link to the class:


Step 2. I wasn't interested in making simple dumb web apps anymore with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I wanted to learn more and wanted to make better web apps. I had learned of something called React which is a front-end open source framework developed by Facebook, and I set out wanting to learn it. I took a Udacity class called "React Nanodegree". It was expensive, but I took a semester off and treated this as my semester of school. They have a one on one mentor system in place, so whenever you have a question you have a REAL mentor to ask it to, and they answer rather swiftly. They have projects for you to create and submit to them for grading, and they give you real feedback on what to change, and this is where the real learning of the course took place for me. Having projects to make on your own without following a ton of tutorials and step by step code-alongs is where your learning is actually going to take place.

Link to the Udacity Course:


Step 3. I started going to something called Hackathons. A Hackathon is usually a 36 hour competition where you team up with other developers and create a project that competes with other projects at the hackathon and showcase it at the end. Hackathons are such a vital role in getting internships and jobs, and developing your skills by making those projects in such a short time. Attending hackathons is how I landed my first internship in Chicago for the summer of 2018. At this time I was also attending Community College, so really school isn't that much of an issue. These hackathons are usually held at a University, and you have to apply for them, but they let basically everybody in. They give you free food throughout the entire event, and you get free swag from companies while being able to network and talk to these companies. Bigger hackathons even have companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Etc.

Link to the hackathon schedule for 2019:


Step 4. After I had gotten that internship and the summer was coming to a close, I literally applied to 53 different bigger companies in hopes of getting an interview from one of them. I didn't hear anything back until after this past winter break, and I got an interview with Facebook. I used places like Leetcode and CS Dojo on YouTube to prepare for the interviews, and learn data structures and algorithms. I haven't taken a course like that in college yet, so all of that had to be on my own as well. There were 4 total interviews, and 2 coding interviews. The coding questions asked were what you usually see in CS interviews, but with front-end specific topics sprinkled in. I ended up passing the interviews and getting an offer from Facebook!



Thats basically what I did to land my Facebook Internship as a self taught developer going to community college. A bit of luck and hard work is all it took. I really wanted to outline those steps for you guys and explain the steps I took to get to this point. If you guys have any questions at all please leave them in the comments on this thread and I'll try to get back to you guys!