Responsive Web Design Fundamentals

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Learn and practice strategies for developing websites that look great on every device.

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Reddit Posts and Comments

2 posts • 36 mentions • top 10 shown below

r/web_design • post
8 points • not-throwaway
This is a great free course for anyone looking to learn more about responsive web design - even good for those just learning to code
r/webdev • comment
6 points • akame_21

MDN is your best friend.

Free courses I particularly liked:

If you need project ideas for learning purposes, look at the odin project and freecodecamp.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • grepDoug

I recommend taking a free course by Google Responsive Web Design

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • CreativeTechGuyGames

  1. Yeah anything above 1mb is definitely too large.
  2. And if you do it wrong, yes. haha. Google has a free responsive web design course on Udemy which you might want to check out to get started.

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • dmazzoni

Maybe this course:

Responsive Web Design Fundamentals

And then read up on design philosophies and practical advice like Google's Material Design or Apple's Human Interface Guidelines


r/ExperiencedDevs • comment
1 points • MattDiMu

If you're having at least some basic CSS Skills, I would strongly recommend you Googles Responsive Web Design Fundamentals course on udemy:

It offers high quality content in a structured way by explaining common Reponsive Web Design Patterns and gives some insights about how webpages are rendered in the Browser.

IMHO it's very useful, as the HOWs and WHYs of Responsive Webdesign are explained.

r/userexperience • comment
1 points • Darkwing1501

I think you should take this "FREE" course from udacity created by the developers at google. it covers the basic responsive design. I was currently enrolled this course right now and I highly recommend this course for beginners like me.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • curiouscoderspace

Not Pluralsight courses but free courses from Udacity (along with some Python courses) that were enough to get me my first job in 2015. What helped the most were the quizzes and the projects in each course.

  1. Intro to HTML and CSS
  2. Responsive Web Design

I haven't done this one - there was another Javascript course which seemed a different style from the above two so I couldn't finish it. Looks like this one is newer. 3. Intro to Javascript

r/webdev • comment
1 points • karlpoppery

There are 10-hour courses you can take to learn responsive design, but the gist of it is :

  • Learn how to use CSS media queries, flex boxes, grids, etc. There should be several breakpoints on your page so that it changes automatically when you resize it, and looks good at all sizes.

  • A good way to work is to do it mobile first: you start by creating an UI that works well on the phone, then you add/expand things as the window grows.

  • You can test how it look on a mobile from Chrome, using the developer tools.

Some links to get you started: