Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes

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This course is designed to teach you about managing microservices, using Kubernetes.

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Reddit Posts and Comments

2 posts • 15 mentions • top 11 shown below

r/docker • post
22 points • vegasbrianc
Udacity Coures on Scalable Microservices using Kuberentes
r/kubernetes • post
12 points • askcarter
[Announcing] Free Udacity+Google course: Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes
r/docker • post
10 points • meatyroach
AWS Elastic Beanstalk or Google Compute Engine + Kubernetes?

Which do you prefer to use with Docker? Trying to set up with CircleCI and they gave me these 2 options:

EDIT: Alright so this basically helped me learn everything I needed to know -

r/homelab • comment
4 points • peoplex

Honestly, that sounds like a good plan. I did this free course which covers docker and Kubernetes. Can recommend!

r/devops • comment
3 points • eugentius

r/cscareerquestions • comment
6 points • ayc667

3 big categories - networking, interview prep, and actual learning.

  • A chunk of what I do is stuff like tech meetups which are actually pretty fun, I don't usually learn a whole ton but I've met a lot of people I like and literally been offered interviews after a few minutes of pleasant banter with strangers. It makes me want to go back in time and punch myself in the face for sitting in my apartment and sending out hundreds of applications to land one offer instead of going out and talking to people.

  • Another part is grinding through data structure type problems. I finished CTCI and I'm planning to work through as many leetcode problems as I can. If you're not confident with your soft skills, you'd want to practice those as well in the same category.

  • And then there's the actual self-improvement component where I've been doing some online courses and trying to build a portfolio. I work as a backend developer on a tiny project, and I want to be a machine learning engineer working in natural language processing on a large project. So I identified 3 big weaknesses: I don't know anything about frontend development, I don't know anything about making distributed, robust, scalable software, and I don't know anything about machine learning and NLP. I did codeacademy's intro to javascript and html, I built a personal website, and I'm working through a couple of relevant free courses on Udacity (here and here, if you're curious) that I picked by picking buzzwords out of job postings and looking for related stuff on Udacity. I am applying to some CS master's programs for next fall, and I'm contemplating going through a nanodegree program or two to keep me busy until then. Depending on your goals and history, you might pick a different list of courses than I did.

I'm about a month in to doing this and expect to keep up a pretty similar pace for a few years. I expect there will be weeks where I drop down below 10 or even do more than 30, but right now I'm pretty satisfied with an average of 60 hours a week of legitimate work. It sounds like a lot, but I feel like I still have a ton of free time even with this pace. The real secret is getting most of my redditing done at work so I can spend a bigger portion of my free time productively and/or enjoyably!

r/docker • comment
4 points • mattstrom

I'm at the same place at the moment: very familiar with Docker Compose and trekking into Kubernetes. I bought the O'Reilly's Kubernetes book by Kelsey Hightower et al and watched the free Google-sponsored Udacity course.

But so far the thing that I have found most useful was to take an existing Docker Compose project of mine and to use Kompose to convert it and then compare the resulting file with what I know about docker-compose already.

r/devops • comment
1 points • tuannvm this course is solid and helped me a lot when I started to pick up kubernetes. Videos are short but really comprehensive, and you probably need to watch 2-3 times to absorb all the ideas.

Do practice with the kubernetes the hard way as well.

And don't forget the official resource, which basically all you need to master kubernetes usage.

r/webdev • comment
3 points • whexmix

I think it is great that you have the desire to expand your knowledge and experience! This is a very open question. I believe as with anything: practice, practice, practice...

Having little-to-no details about the project, here are a few things I think may be good to consider:

  • What technologies does the project call for?
  • Do some high-level research on the available technologies out there and see what sounds like a good fit for your project
    • Most tools can probably accomplish what you need, but some tools may make more sense for a given project.
  • What direction do YOU want to go?
  • As you know, projects are a great opportunity to learn new skills. So long as the timeline permits, it may be a nice option to explore a new technology. If the timeline is short, it may make more sense to work with what you know.
  • What skills are in demand?
  • Look at the market trends: Tiobe Index

There was also a concept that I heard that I think is wise and worth sharing (I can't seem to find a related article): - In all projects, consider the following: - People - Are the people cool to work with? - Project - Is the project interesting? - Price - Is the price right? - As a general rule, if the project meets two out of these three critereon, it may be worth investing your time in.

There is ALWAYS something new being created. I think it is great to keep up and be aware of what's out there. I also think it is important to be really good at something. Being early in your career, I would invest a bit of time seeing what's out there and what would be the best investment of your time for the direction(s) you want to grow.

Here are a few things I think are worth putting on your radar:

This was a pretty vague response, but I hope this introduces you to some useful tools and information. I also hope that these resources don't cause an option overload. I hope your project goes well!

r/k8s • comment
1 points • alwaysblearnin

There many great classes to choose from, it really depends on which is the best fit for what you want to do. A gentle starting place is The Kubernetes Book. Some other great classes:

Corsera: Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine

Kube Academy courses

Linux Academy: Introduction to Kubernetes

edX: Introduction to Kubernetes

edX: Fundamentals of Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift

IBM Cloud: Deploying Microservices with Kubernetes

Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes by Google

Here are some lists of courses:


10 Best + Free Kubernetes Course & Certification

Overview of Kubernetes Online Training

Kubernetes Courses

If you search the videos on this sub, many are lessons taken from a larger course. Good luck and let us know which one you chose!