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Top Advanced Courses and Nanodegrees
These are the top 36 advanced courses and nanodegrees found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udacity course.
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics
Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car.
Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car.
1 reddit posts
124 mentions
124 mentions
Design of Computer Programs
Learn how to model problems, and how to optimize performance by using some of the advanced features of Python.
Learn how to model problems, and how to optimize performance by using some of the advanced features of Python.
0 reddit posts
88 mentions
88 mentions
Self Driving Car Engineer
Self-driving cars are set to revolutionize the way we live.
Self-driving cars are set to revolutionize the way we live.
4 reddit posts
34 mentions
34 mentions
Web Accessibility
Get hands-on experience making web applications accessible.
Get hands-on experience making web applications accessible.
2 reddit posts
22 mentions
22 mentions
Applied Cryptography
Cryptography is present in everyday life, from paying with a credit card to using the telephone.
Cryptography is present in everyday life, from paying with a credit card to using the telephone.
2 reddit posts
27 mentions
27 mentions
Browser Rendering Optimization
This course will demystify the browser's rendering pipeline and make it easy for you to build high performance web apps.
This course will demystify the browser's rendering pipeline and make it easy for you to build high performance web apps.
1 reddit posts
17 mentions
17 mentions
JavaScript Design Patterns
Learn the importance of code organization and how to implement it with either vanilla JavaScript or an organizational library or framework.
Learn the importance of code organization and how to implement it with either vanilla JavaScript or an organizational library or framework.
1 reddit posts
27 mentions
27 mentions
Computability, Complexity & Algorithms
Learn tools and techniques that will help you recognize when problems you encounter are intractable and when there an efficient solution.
Learn tools and techniques that will help you recognize when problems you encounter are intractable and when there an efficient solution.
0 reddit posts
18 mentions
18 mentions
Gradle for Android and Java
Build bigger and better Android and Java apps using the Gradle build tool.
Build bigger and better Android and Java apps using the Gradle build tool.
0 reddit posts
12 mentions
12 mentions
Android Performance
Performance matters to users, so it must matter to you.
Performance matters to users, so it must matter to you.
2 reddit posts
8 mentions
8 mentions
Knowledge-Based AI: Cognitive Systems
The twin goals of knowledge-based artificial intelligence (AI) are to build AI agents capable of human-level intelligence and gain insights into human cognition.
The twin goals of knowledge-based artificial intelligence (AI) are to build AI agents capable of human-level intelligence and gain insights into human cognition.
0 reddit posts
10 mentions
10 mentions
High Performance Computer Architecture
The HPCA course covers performance measurement, pipelining, and improved parallelism through various means.
The HPCA course covers performance measurement, pipelining, and improved parallelism through various means.
0 reddit posts
14 mentions
14 mentions
Kotlin for Android Developers
Take an Android app in Java and convert it to Kotlin, learning key features of the Kotlin programming language along the way.
Take an Android app in Java and convert it to Kotlin, learning key features of the Kotlin programming language along the way.
1 reddit posts
9 mentions
9 mentions
Advanced Operating Systems
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
JavaScript Promises
Learn how to simplify asynchronous work with Native JavaScript Promises.
Learn how to simplify asynchronous work with Native JavaScript Promises.
1 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
Learn advanced techniques for designing algorithms and apply them to hard computational problems.
Learn advanced techniques for designing algorithms and apply them to hard computational problems.
0 reddit posts
9 mentions
9 mentions
Intro to DevOps
Learn all about the DevOps landscape, workflow, and a survey of the systems currently being used to support scalable software deployment.
Learn all about the DevOps landscape, workflow, and a survey of the systems currently being used to support scalable software deployment.
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
iOS Networking with Swift
Learn how to incorporate networking into your apps to access data from around the world.
Learn how to incorporate networking into your apps to access data from around the world.
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
1 mentions
High Performance Computing
This course will give you solid foundations for developing, analyzing, and implementing parallel and locality-efficient algorithms.
This course will give you solid foundations for developing, analyzing, and implementing parallel and locality-efficient algorithms.
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Data Scientist
Build effective machine learning models, run data pipelines, build recommendation systems, and deploy solutions to the cloud with industry-aligned projects.
Build effective machine learning models, run data pipelines, build recommendation systems, and deploy solutions to the cloud with industry-aligned projects.
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Master the deep reinforcement learning skills that are powering amazing advances in AI.
Master the deep reinforcement learning skills that are powering amazing advances in AI.
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
Model Building and Validation
This course will teach you how to start from scratch in understanding and paying attention to what is important in the data and how to answer questions about data.
This course will teach you how to start from scratch in understanding and paying attention to what is important in the data and how to answer questions about data.
1 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Client-Server Communication
Learn how a client communicates with a server, including HTTP's request and response cycle, HTTP/2 and HTTPs.
Learn how a client communicates with a server, including HTTP's request and response cycle, HTTP/2 and HTTPs.
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Front End Frameworks
Explore and build interactive, single-page applications with popular JavaScript frameworks.
Explore and build interactive, single-page applications with popular JavaScript frameworks.
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
iOS Persistence and Core Data
Persisting data is a core skill for any iOS developer.
Persisting data is a core skill for any iOS developer.
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
How to Make an iOS App
Learn the process of building an app, taking your ideas from drawing board to App Store.
Learn the process of building an app, taking your ideas from drawing board to App Store.
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
1 mentions
Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer
Master job-ready autonomous flight software engineering skills as you tackle advanced challenges, write real code for real aircraft, and develop a systems understanding of the Flying Car full-stack.
Master job-ready autonomous flight software engineering skills as you tackle advanced challenges, write real code for real aircraft, and develop a systems understanding of the Flying Car full-stack.
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
Computer Vision
Learn the computer vision skills behind advances in robotics and automation.
Learn the computer vision skills behind advances in robotics and automation.
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
ES6 - JavaScript Improved
Learn about the changes made to the JavaScript programming language in ECMAScript 6 and how to use these new improvements to write better cleaner code.
Learn about the changes made to the JavaScript programming language in ECMAScript 6 and how to use these new improvements to write better cleaner code.
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Robotics Software Engineer
Build five hands-on projects to acquire core robotics software engineering skills: ROS, Gazebo, Localization, Mapping, SLAM, Navigation, and Path Planning.
Build five hands-on projects to acquire core robotics software engineering skills: ROS, Gazebo, Localization, Mapping, SLAM, Navigation, and Path Planning.
1 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
Secure and Private AI
Learn how to extend PyTorch with the tools necessary to train AI models that preserve user privacy.
Learn how to extend PyTorch with the tools necessary to train AI models that preserve user privacy.
1 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Artificial Intelligence
Learn essential Artificial Intelligence concepts from AI experts like Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun, including search, optimization, planning, pattern recognition, and more.
Learn essential Artificial Intelligence concepts from AI experts like Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun, including search, optimization, planning, pattern recognition, and more.
0 reddit posts
15 mentions
15 mentions
Sensor Fusion Engineer
Learn to fuse lidar point clouds, radar signatures, and camera images using Kalman Filters to perceive the environment and detect and track vehicles and pedestrians over time.
Learn to fuse lidar point clouds, radar signatures, and camera images using Kalman Filters to perceive the environment and detect and track vehicles and pedestrians over time.
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Natural Language Processing
Learn the skills to get computers to understand, process, and respond to human language.
Learn the skills to get computers to understand, process, and respond to human language.
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
AWS Cloud Architect
Lead your organization's cloud computing strategy as an AWS Cloud Architect.
Lead your organization's cloud computing strategy as an AWS Cloud Architect.
0 reddit posts
1 mentions
1 mentions
Advanced Android App Development
Make your app production-ready by applying advanced features like library integration, material design, widgets, receiving cloud messages, and more.
Make your app production-ready by applying advanced features like library integration, material design, widgets, receiving cloud messages, and more.
0 reddit posts
27 mentions
27 mentions