Artificial Intelligence for Robotics

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Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car.

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Reddit Posts and Comments

1 posts • 124 mentions • top 8 shown below

r/OMSCS • comment
5 points • driscoll42

If you feel a need to learn python in your first course, take AI4R/RAIT or ML4T as your first class. Those two are both fairly easy courses which serve as a good "getting up to speed" courses before you take the harder ones. I had okay python experience coming in and taking AI4R helped me out quite a bit, plus getting into the swing of being in grad school.

Honestly if you know C++, python isn't too bad, just google the questions you have and it's been asked 100 times. I still do that all the time. If you want a semi-objective way to measure yourself, you can check out the AI4R lectures here and if you can understand the python code and do the coding in the problem sets you'll be fine.

r/EMEHumber • post
2 points • Dessy2014
Programming a Robotic Car
r/learnpython • comment
1 points • TaryTarp

Second PID controller.

LESSON 5 PID Control

This should get you there. It is not too complicated once you get the hang of it.

r/serbia • comment
1 points • thegreatdukd Evo ti jedan do jaja kurs, kratak je i ne zahteva puno rada, učiš i python usput plus učiš vrlo zanimljivu oblast, verovatno nećeš imati neke životne vajde od njega sem ako ne odlučiš kasnije da se usmeravaš u tom pravcu, ali je oblast jako zanimljiva i lepo je objašnjeno.

r/gifs • comment
1 points • crseat

I am currently enrolled in Georgia Tech's OMSCS program which is a masters in computer science. One of the classes we can take is based on a free Udacity course called Artificial Intelligence for Robotics (but it could really be called 'learn how to program self driving cars). It sounds intimidating but it is hands down the best taught online course I've ever taken, and the teacher is the guy who basically invented self driving cars for both Stanford and Google. If you know some python, I would highly recommend checking it out.

r/diyelectronics • comment
1 points • thisaccountisbs
r/learnmath • comment
4 points • raubry
r/FTC • comment
1 points • RoboticsProgrammer69

I'll outline some of the common things that would probably be useful to learn in order to do well in robotics. You probably won't need to do most of the things here, but if you want to progress and get into more advanced topics, here's a roadmap that you could use i guess

In order to learn the code functions like how to send power to motors and stuff, I would recommend reading through the code examples that they made. Then, I would probably learn about using sensors and how to localize, then probably PID control. I would recommend reading through game manual 0 in order to learn about some of the basic things you can implement, such as PID control. Also every year, there's usually some kind of vision related challenge, so I would recommend taking a look at trying out OpenCV, which can be done really easily using a library called EasyOpenCV. Usually, this will perform a lot better than Vuforia or TFLite, which come with the sdk. Then, you should take a look at either Roadrunner or FTCLib, which are all libraries for programming, with roadrunner pretty popular along with FTCLib, which is a bit newer and is based off of WPILib, which is a library used in FRC by most teams, in order to get a better understanding for stuff like path planning, motion profiling, and feedforward control. Here are some good resources for learning this stuff if ur interested:

Game Manual 0: (really useful when your just starting out, I'd recommend reading through this p much no matter what)

Localization: (this one really helped me to learn about kalman filters tbh)

Also, in FTC the most common kind of localization used is using odometry. Usually this is done with either encoders attached to your motors, or attached to free spinning spring loaded tracking wheels.

Control Theory: (this one requires quite a bit of math knowledge to get through, but it's a great way to learn about a lot more advanced topics that could be useful. Knowing the stuff in this book will help you to accurately model and create optimal controllers for stuff.)


Roadrunner - (This is a useful path planning library that will make things like feedforward control and trajectory generation much easier. It has tons of support and is really popular. The roadrunner docs are really useful, and many people in discord are familiar.)

FTCLib - (This one is relatively new, but is pretty much a port of WPILib, which is used a lot in FRC. It includes a lot of things that Roadrunner has, but also includes more things that could be useful. It also allows for different kinds of curves for trajectories, such as clamped cubic.)

EasyOpenCV - (Vision library, use this if u wanto use open cv)

One last thing! super important! if you want to become a top team join the FTC Discord because there are tons of super smart people on there. Like literally everything i know about FTC pretty much came from there lol.

Sorry for this super long thing haha. gl next season. Hope this helps a little