Best of Udacity
Top JavaScript Courses
These are the top 4 JavaScript courses and nanodegrees found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udacity course.
Intro to JavaScript
Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, the most popular programming language in web development.
Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, the most popular programming language in web development.
0 reddit posts
39 mentions
39 mentions
Full Stack Web Developer
Learn to design and develop powerful modern web applications that form the foundation for the apps, websites, and systems that people and businesses use every day.
Learn to design and develop powerful modern web applications that form the foundation for the apps, websites, and systems that people and businesses use every day.
2 reddit posts
56 mentions
56 mentions
ES6 - JavaScript Improved
Learn about the changes made to the JavaScript programming language in ECMAScript 6 and how to use these new improvements to write better cleaner code.
Learn about the changes made to the JavaScript programming language in ECMAScript 6 and how to use these new improvements to write better cleaner code.
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Front End Web Developer
Learn how to build high quality websites and dynamic applications to create stunning user experiences for the web.
Learn how to build high quality websites and dynamic applications to create stunning user experiences for the web.
1 reddit posts
65 mentions
65 mentions